Descargar PDF Henry II (History in Fifteen Minutes Book 5) (English Edition) de Andrew Alexander PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis
Descargar Henry II (History in Fifteen Minutes Book 5) (English Edition) de Andrew Alexander PDF ePub
This is the fifth volume in the new ‘History in Fifteen Minutes’ series.Designed for first-time readers; ‘History in Fifteen Minutes’ gives you the primary facts about the life and times of Henry II, one of England’s most energetic monarchs. The first of the Plantagenet kings, he ruled England and half of France and was potentially the most powerful ruler in Europe.Unfortunately, Henry was also beset on all sides by enemies, the kings of France, the pope, his estranged wife and his four avaricious sons.Above all else, Henry is remembered for a moment of sacrilegious violence, one of the most infamous events in English history, the murder of Thomas Becket. Whether, intentionally or not, Henry’s words brought about the murder of the Archbishop of Canterbury inside his own Cathedral, an event that will forever tarnish Henry II’s reputation.This work includes sections on:• The Succession Crisis• Henry’s Early Life• Eleanor of Aquitaine• Henry’s Empire• Henry Restores Order in England• Royal Justice• Thomas Becket• The Rebellions of Henry’s Sons• Henry’s Death.Love History? Love ‘History in Fifteen Minutes’.History in Fifteen Minutes Series:Henry IIRichard IJohnHenry VIIIElizabeth IJames ICharles II
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