Descargar Tilli's Story: My Thoughts Are Free (English Edition) de Lorna Collier PDF ePub
[Download] Tilli's Story: My Thoughts Are Free (English Edition) de Lorna Collier libros ebooks
Tilli Horn is a five-year-old farm girl in a tiny village in eastern Germany when World War II begins. Her family opposes Hitler's Nazi Party, but is powerless to rebel. Tilli is forced to join a Hitler Youth group and participate in Nazi propaganda. As the war intensifies, she endures air-raid drills, nearby bombings, and constant fear. After the war ends, Russian soldiers invade Tilli's village, sending 11-year-old Tilli and a dozen other girls into hiding in a secret attic - a three-foot tall, dark, cramped space, where they remain for months lest they be assaulted. These and other details show what life was like for ordinary rural German children like Tilli under both Hitler and Stalin's regimes. Tilli's compelling memoir follows this brave young girl's fight to live in a place where not just her thoughts can be free. Recommended for teens and adults.
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