LIBRO Resilience - Timeless Stories of a Family Therapist: Timeless Stories of a Family Therapist (English Edition) de Moshe and Tesse Lang PDF ePub
[Download] Resilience - Timeless Stories of a Family Therapist: Timeless Stories of a Family Therapist (English Edition) de Moshe and Tesse Lang Libros Gratis en EPUB, Resilience - Timeless Stories of a Family Therapist: Timeless Stories of a Family Therapist (English Edition) Libro pdf espanol
RESILIENCE:Resilience is a collection of over sixty brief sketches and vignettes, each serving as a vehicle for observation and cogent insights which covers Moshe Lang’s thirty-five years of clinical practice. The book describes his work with children and adults, individual couples and families covering a wide range of human problems ranging from childhood depression and suicide, anorexia and school refusal, marital conflict and family tensions. Of particular interest is his work with Holocaust survivors and their families and special consideration of the effects of trans-generational trauma.
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